Work With Me

Reiki Readings

Part energetic healing, part psychic medium reading, a unique offering using Reiki as the healing modality and channel. In these sessions I am both working through releasing, removing, and healing energetic, emotional, and sometimes physical blocks, while channeling and receiving messages for your healing.


A personalized 1:1 therapeutic approach to empower you to recognize your triggers, heal past traumas, break free from unhealthy patterns, and fully step into your power. I’ll be your guide as we work together to transform whatever aspects of your life you’re looking to change and help you connect to your purpose.

Or, if you’re interesting in group work, and specifically looking to connect with your power and purpose, join the 12-week group Mentorship kicking off on June 1st.

Single Chakra Group Reiki Reading

These sessions are meant to foster a sense of community and be an accessible way to connect with you through my work. These are offered every other week, and we focus on a single chakra each time. Similar to a Reiki Reading, the first part will be distance Reiki where I'll work on individual and collective energy, the second part I will deliver messages to each participant based on what I saw and worked on, and open up for group discussion.

Energy Prescriptions

My most accessible offerings - Whether you’re looking for a personalized reading or a mini course to help heal and manifest what’s keeping you blocked, learn more about Energy Prescription offerings and figure out what’s right for you.

Intuitive Reiki Trainings

Whether you are looking to study Reiki level 1, 2, or Master, my approach to teaching this ancient healing modality is one that covers both Eastern and Western Reiki. We cover the basics of traditional Reiki (history, symbols, chakras, hand positions), and then dive deeper into Intuitive Psychic Reiki (in level 2) - what it is, how to connect with and better understand your own intuitive gifts, meeting and working with your Reiki guides, psychic surgery, and a whole lot more! These courses are an opportunity to open up your own intuitive gifts, connect with others in a supportive group setting, go deeper in your own healing, and not only learn from me, but learn from each other.