Reiki Readings


What Is Reiki?


We humans hold so much in the body. Past traumas, emotional wounds, physical scars. In all of the alternative wellness and healing modalities I’ve sought out and tried throughout my life, personally, Reiki has been one of the most powerful. Reiki is an energy healing technique that works to shift, open, and release where these physical and emotional wounds are stuck in the body, ultimately promoting self healing.


What is a Reiki Reading?


Each Reiki Reading is unique, as I am acting as the channel for your healing, allowing myself to be intuitively guided to where and what your body needs. Sometimes that’s physical, sometimes emotional, but always tailored to the individual. I have clients who have experienced energetic shifts, breakthroughs, physical and emotional release, as well as sessions where they simply walk away feeling more relaxed and at peace.

My Reiki Readings follow the same structure, beginning with a quick conversation to discuss any current or past challenges you’d like to work on, followed by either hands on or distance Reiki where I act as the channel for your healing. Often times I am working with messages from your spirit guides, passed loved ones, and reviewing and clearing traumas and blockages from this life as well as past lives. After the Reiki energy work, I’ll walk you through what I saw, what I removed and worked through, and any action steps to help you continue the work we began in the session.