Energy Prescriptions

  • Distance Reading

    This mini distance reading is meant to provide clarity around a single question where you're feeling stuck, blocked or needing guidance. Submit your question, and you will receive a 15 minute recorded voicenote that is part reading/part prescription of what action steps to take moving forward to clear space and step into your power.

    The more direct your question, the more detailed the answer. You will receive an email with the recording within one week of booking.

  • Mini Manifestation Courses

    These 4-week self-guided courses were created to help you manifest self-love, abundance, romantic partnership, and clarity around your purpose.

    Through a series of videos, exercises, journal prompts, guided meditations and suggested reading, you’ll dive into what’s keeping you disconnected from your worth and what you need to release and call in to fully own the beautiful bad-ass queen you are and declare it to the world.